All republican book festival "KitapTime - 2022".
Dear friends! On September 23, 2022, A.S. The East Kazakhstan Regional Library named after Pushkin invites you to the First Book Festival "KitapTime - 2022".
On this wonderful day of golden autumn, bright "Book parade" - "Literary scenes": surprise exhibitions; "Modern book characters": dialogue-studio with an expert on children's reading, "Interesting book bunch": contests and quizzes, "Book workshop": make, paint, and repair books and other educational events.
We invite you all to a book festival where you will discover the secrets of the world of poetry, prose and fairy tales. We are sure that everyone will find interesting and useful things here, and most importantly, they will discover the world of books for themselves.
P.S. Please bring good mood with you. Otherwise, on the contrary, a good mood will find you.
"KitapTime - 2022" book festival is a nationwide event organized by the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the festival is to support interest in reading books, increase the intellectual potential and cultural values of the society.
"KitapTime - 2022" book festival will be held on a nationwide scale, and then annually.