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"The Constitution is the catalyst of national unity": interactive literary exhibition-exposition, with a video review

"The Constitution is the catalyst of national unity": interactive literary exhibition-exposition, with a video review

The East Kazakhstan Regional Library named after A.S. Pushkin presents a book exhibition entitled "The Constitution is the catalyst of national unity" on the occasion of August 30 - the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Constitution, which was adopted on August 30, 1995 in a national referendum, defined the life of the entire state, established its independence, guaranteed the preservation of the rights and freedoms of citizens, and defined the scope of its duties. The book exhibition presented to the reader's attention allows to travel through the history of the development of the country's legislation from ancient times to the 21st century. Our country has experienced many historical transitions and has gone through a complex path of political development. Kazakh law was born in the framework of nomadic civilization and acquired the most valuable character of that era. "Seven Charters", "Kasym Khan's Old Way", "Esim Khan's Old Way" are the main laws of the state that have the only influence on the vitality of the Kazakh Khanate. The collection "Kazakh ancestral laws" that took place at the exhibition, Zh. "Seven statutes" by Artykbayev, S.G. Klyashtorny "Kazakhstan: the history of three thousand years", E. Abil's "Political organization of nomads of Kazakhstan", S. Zimanov's "Kazakh court queen - general cultural value" etc. researches provide a lot of information about the formation of the first field laws and legislative framework. Also, how many Constitutions have been adopted in the history of our country from the exhibition? Why the draft Constitution of Kazakhstan of 1926 did not enter into force? What are the main points of the Program of the "Alash" party? can also find answers to the questions. Legal scholar G. Sapargaliev's "Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" editions published in the Kazakh, Russian, and English languages ​​with the "Konstitutsionnoe pravo Respublika Kazakhstan" and "New Kazakhstan" series will complement the knowledge about the formation and development process of the constitutional law of our state. At the same time, M. Mataeva "Constitutional history of Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia XX century", S. Dyachenko's "Kazakhstan political: history, practice, personal experience", "Kazakhstan: the history of success through the eyes of the world community", O. Kopabaev's "Foundation of Ata law-state development", "I am a citizen of Kazakhstan" and other literatures were presented to readers. Monographs of well-known political figures, jurists and scientists, "Lawyer", "Tura bi", "Themis", "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Herald", "Legal reform in Kazakhstan", "Zakon i vremya", "Law", Articles published on the pages of "Yurist" and "Economics and Law" periodicals present opinions about the impact of the Constitution on democratic reforms, effective political, socio-economic and cultural processes. Every citizen should study, know and apply the values ​​and ideas of the Constitution in their life experience. This is the legal culture of every citizen of the country. We congratulate you all on the Constitution Day and invite you to visit the book exhibition!

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